Your COBOL system includes the following syntax to support windowing:
Format 5 of the ACCEPT statement has the BEFORE TIME phrase, which enables you to specify a timeout period. If the user does not enter data during this period, the statement is terminated automatically.
DISPLAY WINDOW creates a terminal window (a rectangular region of the screen) and makes it the current window. This is like a virtual terminal, in which screen positions used by subsequent ACCEPT/DISPLAY statements are relative to the top left corner of the window.
DISPLAY LINE enables you to draw lines on the terminal (real or virtual). The best mode available on the terminal is used automatically. Used with the DISPLAY BOX statement, the DISPLAY LINE statement enables you to draw forms on the terminal.
DISPLAY BOX enables you to draw boxes on the terminal. The best mode available on the terminal is used automatically. Used with the DISPLAY LINE statement, the DISPLAY BOX statement enables you to draw forms on the terminal.
CLOSE WINDOW removes a window. If you specify the window as being a POP-UP window, the underlying display can be restored.