Micro Focus Visual COBOL 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse (UNIX)
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH1401 - COBCH1500
COBCH1401 - COBCH1420
COBCH1401 - COBCH1420
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1401 through COBCH1420.
COBCH1401 OO_ Class '%1_s' can not inherit from itself_
COBCH1402 OO_ Class '%1_s' directly or indirectly inherits class '%2_s'_
COBCH1403 OO_ External name is illegal_
COBCH1404 OO_ Repository information for externalised class name '%1_s' not found_
COBCH1405 OO_ Externalised class name '%1_s' has FINAL clause and can not be inherited_
COBCH1406 OO_ Class name '%1_s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph_
COBCH1407 OO_ Interface name '%1_s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph_
COBCH1408 OO_ Class or Interface name '%1_s' is not defined in the REPSOITORY paragraph_
COBCH1409 OO_ EXPANDS phrase is illegal in a parameterised Class or Interface_
COBCH1410 OO_ The number of Actual parameters and Formal paramters is not the same_
COBCH1411 OO_ Expanded Class or Interface name '%1_s' is invalid_
COBCH1412 OO_ Expanded Class or Interface parameter name '%1_s' is invalid_
COBCH1413 OO_ Number of Expanded Class or Interface parameters do not match_
COBCH1414 OO_ Class or Interface name expected_
COBCH1415 OO_ Reserved word USING expected_
COBCH1416 OO_ There must be USING parameters_
COBCH1417 OO_ Method '%1_s' must not have the OVERRIDE clause_
COBCH1418 OO_ Method '%1_s' must have the OVERRIDE clause_
COBCH1419 OO_ Inherited method '%1_s' must not have the FINAL clause_
COBCH1420 OO_ Parameters of method '%1_s' do not conform _
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1401 to COBCH1500