Micro Focus Visual COBOL 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse (UNIX)
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH1501 - COBCH1600
COBCH1561 - COBCH1580
COBCH1561 - COBCH1580
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1561 through COBCH1580.
COBCH1561S JVM support not found: are you using a supported version of the JRE?
Trying to build a COBOL JVM project that targets a version of Java earlier than version 7 while having that version of Java installed in Eclipse.
COBCH1562 $ statement not recognized
Incorrect syntax has been specified after $ in a declaration statement for a Compiler directive.
COBCH1563 Directive %1$s is deprecated and may be removed in future releases
The specified Compiler directive has been deprecated and no longer has an effect on your source code.
COBCH1564 First parameter to an extension method must be passed BY VALUE
The first parameter passed to an extension method must be a value parameter, not reference parameter.
COBCH1565 NULL value set on non-included field %1s
The NULL XFD Compiler directive has been set on a field that does not exist in the database.
COBCH1566 NULL value set on key fields %1$s
The NULL XFD Compiler directive has been set on a key field.
COBCH1567 VALUETYPE definition must have at least one instance field
A valuetype must have at least one instance field in its construction.
COBCH1568 VALUETYPE instance field cannot have circular reference
A field in a valuetype cannot specify a circular reference.
COBCH1569 Could not load ILPINVOKE file '%1$s'
file specified by the ILPINVOKE Compiler directive does not exist or cannot be located.
COBCH1570 END name '%1$s' does not match corresponding header name
marker and the
End Program
marker do not match.
COBCH1571 ILREF directive failed - file not found or access error
COBCH1572 ILREF directive has invalid type name
COBCH1573 ILREF directive failed - incorrect or corrupt class file format
COBCH1574 Reserved word missing - FROM or THROUGH expected
An expected reserved word is missing from a statement.
COBCH1575 SELF and SUPER cannot be receiving items
Incorrect syntax has been used.
COBCH1576 REFERENCE parameters not supported for functions in Managed COBOL
An attempt to pass a parameter by reference into a function type has been made
COBCH1577 ILPINVOKE not supported with JVMGEN
You cannot invoke a native COBOL
file when compiling to JVM COBOL.
COBCH1578 VALUETYPE instance field cannot have VALUE
An instance field in a valuetype cannot have a VALUE clause defined.
COBCH1579 VALUETYPE cannot have an explicit parameter-less constructor
Within a valuetype, you must pass a parameter into a constructor method.
COBCH1580 Too many END markers
An END marker that has no corresponding definition has been found.
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1501 to COBCH1600