COBOL applications developed and built using previous Micro Focus products can be developed and built with Visual COBOL. However, there are some differences in behavior and in terminology.
If you are on the AIX platform, due to an internal change in version 2.0 of your product, you must recompile and/or relink your programs compiled prior to this version, to make them compatible with this run-time system.
The FaultFinder tool has been removed from the current version of Visual COBOL. This includes the removal of the following tunables:
You should either remove these tunables from your application or set the tunable cobconfig_error_report=false in your configuration file.
You should also remove any calls to the library routine CBL_FFND_REPORT, as this now produces a COBRT107 Operation not implemented in this run-time system (fatal) error.
The main differences between the Net Express, Mainframe Express and Eclipse IDEs are:
Changes in some options and files delivered with the product include:
In Net Express and Server Express, the default setting for FILEMAXSIZE was 4. With the current release of Visual COBOL, it is 8.
The following table lists some features in the Net Express IDE and gives their corresponding names and locations in the Eclipse IDE.
With strict_file_locking=false, Process-B successfully opens the file.
COBOL Server now provides an execution environment capable of running applications that were each built using different development products. A consequence of this is that If your application has a main COBOL executable (.exe) that was built with a version of Visual COBOL prior to version 2.3, you should ensure that the executable is rebuilt and packaged with the new run-time system. You can rebuild from the IDE or the command line.
Other COBOL subprograms built with previous versions of Visual COBOL are not required to be rebuilt.
If the sub-program cannot be located using one of the above methods, a run-time error is produced.
For example:
set intLength to testString::Length()
must change to:
set intLength to testString::Length
Redundant variable | Replaced with |
FILE_CASE | FILECASE configuration option |
FILE_PREFIX | COBDATA environment variable |
FILE_SUFFIX | FILESUFFIX configuration option |
FILE_ALIAS_PREFIX | dd_ mapping |
Setting these environment variables will have no effect.
For example, this might happen if you have Studio Enterprise Edition installed and COBCONFIG is set for it.
To work around this issue, ensure that Visual COBOL is not running and then modify the configuration file by doing one of the following:
set cobconfig_error_report=false