Note: These details only explain how to enable use of the JVM COBOL run-time system with WebSphere; any other WebSphere configuration is out of the scope of this topic.
To install the JVM COBOL run-time system (mfcobolrts.jar) in WebSphere 8.5 or later, you can add it as a shared library either through the application server management console or from the
wsadmin command line utility.
Note: The manifest file ( in
mfcobolrts.jar already contains the information required to be recognized as a shared library in WebSphere.
To install the run-time system using the management console
To install the JVM COBOL run-time system, refer to the IBM documentation for instructions on creating and managing a shared library:
Managing shared libraries
To install the run-time system from the command line
Note: The
wsadmin utility only registers the JVM COBOL run-time system with the application server; it does not copy it to the server's directory structure.
- Ensure the application server is running.
- Copy
mfcobolrts.jar from
$COBDIR/bin to a new location.
- Enter the following command:
wsadmin –lang jython –c AdminResources.createSharedLibrary("SERVER_NODE_NAME"
Replace SERVER_NODE_NAME and SERVER_NAME with details supplied by the administrator of the application server. Replace PATH with the path that you used in the previous step.
Configure the application configuration file
In Eclipse, in the project that will be deployed, in the
META-INF directory, add a
MANIFEST.MF file, that contains the following:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Extension-Name: mfcobolrts
Specification-Title: Micro Focus COBOL JVM Runtime System
Specification-Version: 2.3
Implementation-Version: 2.3
Note: 2.3 in this file is the version of
Visual COBOL. If you bind your application to a newer version of the COBOL run-time system than was supplied in
Visual COBOL, that must be reflected in the
Specification-Version and
Implementation-Version settings.
To uninstall the run-time system from the command line
- Ensure the application server is running.
- Enter the following command:
wsadmin –lang jython -c AdminConfig.remove(AdminConfig.getid('/Library:mfcobolrts'))