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esqlconfig command

Runs the command-line implementation of the OpenESQL Configuration utility, enabling you to set a default behavior for the SQL(BEHAVIOR) compiler directive option.


esqlconfig {-P[erformance] | -A[NSI] | -C[ompatibility] | -W[arning] 
| -E[rror] | -D[isplay] | -H[elp]}


P[erformance] Sets the default to Optimize for performance and mainframe compatibility, and displays the old and new settings
A[NSI] Sets the default to ANSI compliance, and displays the old and new settings
C[ompatibility] Sets the default to No change in default behavior and no optimization, and displays the old and new settings
W[arning] Sets the default to Issue a warning at compile time, and displays the old and new settings
E[rror] Sets the default to Issue an error at compile time, and displays the old and new settings
D[isplay] Displays the current default setting
H[elp] Displays the current default setting, and displays the syntax for the esqlconfig command


If you enter no parameters or an invalid parameter, esqlconfig displays the current default setting and appropriate syntax as if you had specified the -H parameter.

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