This directive can be followed by text for use in ACCEPT ... FROM COMMAND-LINE.
The Character Animator session information file contains details of breakpoints and monitors. Its extension is .aif.
If NOCOBAIF is specified, no session information files are loaded or saved. If COBAIF is specified, the session information files are saved and loaded in the current directory.
You can specify the directory in which Animator searches for or creates the .aif file using the $COBAIF environment variable.
Run a program using COBSW=+A, so that it runs under the control of Animator
Use remote debugging
Start Animator using the CBL_DEBUGBREAK library routine
Start Animator using the cobanim or cobanimsrv commands
This directive can be followed by text for use in ACCEPT ... FROM COMMAND-LINE.
The Character Animator session information file contains details of breakpoints and monitors. Its extension is .aif.
If NOCOBAIF is specified, no session information files are loaded or saved. If COBAIF is specified, the session information files are saved and loaded in the current directory.
You can specify the directory in which Animator searches for or creates the .aif file using the $COBAIF environment variable.