Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
The interface to the
AUDITFILE_EMITTER_EXIT entry point is as follows:
- AUDITFILE emitter initialising: The exit may change the emitter's properties during its invocation.
- AUDITFILE emitter deinitialising: The exit would typically release any resources it has acquired during its previous invocations.
- The name of the audit file being made active.
- The name of the audit file that is now full.
- No audit files are available for outputting events to.
The AUDITFILE emitter loads the DLL or shared object named by the
AuditfileExit property and invokes the
AUDITFILE_EMITTER_EXIT entry point within it whenever an emitter status change occurs.
typedef cobrtncode_t (*PFI_AUDITFILE_EMITTER_EXIT)(cobuns32_t function,
cobuns8_t *emitter_name,
On Entry:
- function
- AUDITFILE emitter status change:
AUDITFILE emitter initialising. The exit may change the emitter's properties during its invocation
AUDITFILE emitter deinitialising. The exit would typically release any resources it has acquired during its previous invocations
A new audit file is being made active
The active audit file is now full
There are no audit files available for outputting events into
- emitter name
- The name of the emitter invoking the exit
- ...
- A variable number of parameters depending on the value of function. When:
no additional parameters
no additional parameters
1 additional parameter: a null-terminated filename
1 additional parameter: a null-terminated filename
no additional parameters
Return Codes:
Dependent upon the exit function. At present this should always be 0.
Please note that the user exit should not be written in COBOL. See Sample file auditfile_exit.c for a sample user exit calling the AUDITFILE emitter.