Micro Focus COBOL Server 2.3 Update 2 for Windows
Product Information
Managing Licenses
Licensing Error Messages
Licensing Error Messages
Initialization error - Initializing: Cannot communicate with licensing daemon
Check the licensing
is running.
Error - Initalizing: Cannot find initialization file
The initialization file
<path to Micro Focus licensing bin directory>
is missing. Verify your installation with Micro Focus SupportLine.
Error - Unable to manage licenses in license manager that is not running on localhost
You have a remote license server configured. You should install the licenses on that machine or configure your license server to be the local host.
Error [5]: Cannot talk to the license server on host "xxx.x.x.x". Server not running
file might not contain an entry for hostname and IP address.
Error authorizing... Remote request error - The authorization code is invalid
Check the authorization code you have entered against the code provided by Micro Focus.
Error [26] - Request Denied due to clock tamper detection
The clock has been changed on a machine where a time-limited license is installed.
Error[18]: No license code is available for feature (component)
The license string installed on the machine does not contain the necessary license string of the component being used.
Unable to authorize (cause)
The authorization code cannot be verified. The specific cause is given in the brackets. Depending on the nature of the message, further detail and instruction will accompany the message.
Parent topic:
Managing Licenses