Finds an entry in the colormap for each of one or more given RGB values.
call "CBL_SCR_ALLOCATE_COLOR" using table-count RGB-values color-attribute non-exact-match returning status-code
01 cblt-generic-attr-rgb-values typedef. 03 cblte-garv-red-value cblt-x2-compx. *> pic x(2) comp-x. 03 cblte-garv-green-value cblt-x2-compx. *> pic x(2) comp-x. 03 cblte-garv-blue-value cblt-x2-compx. *> pic x(2) comp-x. 03 cblte-garv-filler cblt-x1-compx occurs 2. *> pic x(2).
color-attribute | The table of indexes to the colormap corresponding to the colors requested. This can be an existing colormap entry, or an unallocated read-write colormap entry set to the requested color. |
non-exact-match | The table of flags indicating whether or not the corresponding occurrence of color-attribute represents an exact match. Zero if the match was exact, otherwise nonzero. |
table-count | The number of colors successfully allocated. This is normally the number requested but is less if the call was not entirely successful. |
RGB-values | The table of RGB values actually used during the search, truncated to suit the environment. |
cblte-garv-filler | Unused. |
The RGB value can either be specified as a literal or be obtained using a call to the CBL_SCR_NAME_TO_RGB routine. The algorithm for determining the nearest match is environment-defined.