Retrieves the last COBOL I/O operation performed.
Use this library routine within a declarative procedure after an I/O error has occurred.
CALL "C$GetLastFileOp" USING operation
- operation
- PIC X(20)
On Exit:
- operation
- The name of the last I/O operation performed. The valid operations returned are:
- Close
- Commit
- Delete
- DeleteFile
- Open
- ReadLock
- ReadNextLock
- ReadNextNoLock
- ReadNoLock
- ReadPreviousLock
- ReadPreviousNoLock
- Rewrite
- Rollback
- Start
- StartTransaction
- Unlock
- UnlockAll
- Write
If the operation is longer than 20 characters, it is truncated to the right.
If the value SPACES is returned that indicates that no operation is available.