By default, OpenESQL supports ODBC/ISO 8601 formats for all input and output character host variables associated with datetime columns in your DBMS.
For example, when using a SQL Server DBMS, the default data type formats for character host variables are:
SQL Server Data Type | ODBC/ISO 8601 Format |
date | yyyy-mm-dd |
time | hh:mm:ss |
datetime2 | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffffffff |
In addition to SQL Server, these formats generally apply to other DBMS vendors that accept ISO 8601 formats. OpenESQL also supports alternative formats for both input and output character host variables. We provide several SQL compiler directive options that enable you to specify alternative formats that override the default.
The DETECTDATE SQL compiler option directive instructs OpenESQL to examine the contents of PIC X character input host variables, looking for data that matches the default ISO 8601 formats. You can override the default formats by specifying one or more additional directives:
The dash character instructs OpenESQL to look for a specific set of delimiters, including a dash, a space, and a T. For example if you do not specify any alternative date or time formats, and you set TSTAMPSEP to a dash character (-), OpenESQL recognizes the following formats in your input host variables:
All other characters instruct OpenESQL to search for that specific character between each date and time format, where the date portion is delimited by a dash character (-) and the time portion is delimited by a colon (:).
If you do not specify TSTAMPSEP, OpenESQL defaults to searching for a space character as the delimiter between the date and time formats, where the date portion is delimited by a dash character (-) and the time portion is delimited by a colon (:).