Before using XDB Server on a TS/Citrix machine, all users must first run the XDBSetup utility to create a private XDB Server configuration file, xdb.ini, in their local Windows folders.
To run the utility:
See Syntax of the XDBSetup command for more details.
This creates a standard xdb.ini file in the user's Windows home directory, in c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\mfsql\, for which the user does not need administrator's credentials to change the file.
This also creates some registry entries in the user's specific area which point to the location of the private xdb.ini file. When any of the XDB tools are executed, they check the user's registry settings for whether there is a private configuration file before they check the local machine registry settings which store the location of the main XDB Server configuration file.
The XDBSetup utility can run in either an interactive or unattended mode. Use the following syntax to execute the utility:
XDBSetup [-u|--unattended]
Where you can specify the following options:
Log files: