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COBCH1770 <type-name> has no visible method <method-name>

The type specified in the method invocation expression does not contain the named method.

In the following example, there is no method named bonusPay in the bonusPout class. Update the method invocation expression to state the correct method name.

class-id bonusPout.
method-id main STATIC.
declare myDel as type myDelegate
set myDel to method self::bonusPay
end method.

method-id calcBonus (by value sal1 as binary-long by value sal2 as binary-long) returning finalB as binary-long.
end method.
method-id calcBonus (by value sal1 as binary-long) returning finalB as binary-long.
end method.
method-id calcBonus.
end method.
end class.
delegate-id myDelegate.
end delegate.
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