Default and alternative timestamp value formats vary. If using DB2 ECM, consult IBM documentation on differing formats. For OpenESQL, review the TSTAMPSEP SQL compiler directive option topic for more information.
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f[f[...]]]where the number of fractional digits is driver-defined. An example value for this format is:
1994-05-24 12:34:00.000
01 timestamp1 PIC X(29). 01 timestamp2 SQL TYPE IS TIMESTAMP.
01 timestamp3 PIC X(n). 01 timestamp4 SQL TYPE IS TIMESTAMP-RECORD.
MOVE "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" TO timestamp2
MOVE "{ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f[f[...]]]'}" TO timestamp3
01 timestamp5 type java.sql.Timestamp.
The TIMESTAMP data type has a maximum length of 26 characters.