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PIPELINE Entry (pipeline_name)

Use this page to view information and set values for the PIPELINE named pipeline_name, selected from the PIPELINE (Active) page.

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Click this to save changes you have made to the page and refresh the page.


Shows the name of this PIPELINE definition.

  • Enabled - the PIPELINE Entry is enabled.
  • Disabled - the PIPELINE Entry is disabled.
Resp Wait

Shows the number of seconds that an application should wait for a response message from the service. DEFT indicates the default value of the transport protocol. HTTP is 10 seconds. MQ is 60 seconds.

Must reference a valid directory, but currently unused.
Cfg File
Shows a fully qualified pipeline configuration file.
WebSvc Dir
Shows a fully qualified name of the web service binding directory. When the PIPELINE is installed, this directory is scanned for .wsbind files and a WEBSERVICE resource is created and installed for each file found.
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