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Dynamic Filename Assignment

With dynamic filename assignment, the filename is specified in the SELECT clause as a COBOL data item:

 select filename
     assign to dynamic data-item
where the parameters are:
filename The filename of the file that is to be assigned.
data-item The name of a COBOL data item. If the data item is not explicitly declared in your program, the Compiler creates one for you, with a picture of PIC X(255). Before the OPEN statement for the file is executed, the program must give a value to the data item.


In the following example, the file input.dat is created in the current directory:

 select fd-in-name
     assign to dynamic ws-in-file.
 working-storage section. 
 01 ws-in-file     pic x(30).
     move "input.dat" to ws-in-file.
     open output fd-in-name.
Note: If you use the ASSIGN"DYNAMIC" Compiler directive, you can omit the word DYNAMIC from the ASSIGN clause.
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