Some applications want to retrieve or store unicode data in Microsoft SQL Server data sources without it being converted to ANSI. Previous versions of OpenESQL did not have a way of accessing data without it being automatically converted. Now, however, OpenESQL and your COBOL development system can work directly with unicode data without having it converted to ANSI, by using a new type of host variable. Microsoft SQL Server supports three unicode column types:
To access these columns without the data being automatically converted, define a host variable with a definition of:
where xx is the size of the column. This format is currently supported for both fixed and variable length data. Variable length data can be terminated with nulls to signify end of data for column when inserting or updating data. When data is retrieved from the data source, it will be space filled to the end of the host variable.
For example, the following program will retrieve employee information from the Northwind sample database that comes with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 product:
$SET UNICODE(NATIVE) $SET SQL WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA END-EXEC * after an sql error this has the full message text 01 MFSQLMESSAGETEXT PIC X(250). 01 IDX PIC X(04) COMP-5. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC * Put your host variables here if you need to port * to other COBOL compilers EXEC SQL INCLUDE Employees END-EXEC EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION END-EXEC PROCEDURE DIVISION. EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR perform OpenESQL-Error END-EXEC EXEC SQL CONNECT TO 'LocalServer' END-EXEC * Put your program logic/SQL statements here EXEC SQL DECLARE CSR135 CURSOR FOR SELECT A.FirstName ,A.LastName ,A.EmployeeID ,A.HireDate FROM Employees A END-EXEC EXEC SQL OPEN CSR135 END-EXEC PERFORM UNTIL SQLSTATE >= "02000" EXEC SQL FETCH CSR135 INTO :Employees-FirstName ,:Employees-LastName ,:Employees-EmployeeID ,:Employees-HireDate:Employees-HireDate-NULL END-EXEC *> Process data from FETCH IF SQLSTATE < "02000" * for array fetches, field sqlerrd(3) contains the * number of rows returned * PERFORM VARYING IDX FROM 1 BY 1 * UNTIL IDX > SQLERRD(3) * you will need to add code here to process the array * END-PERFORM END-IF END-PERFORM EXEC SQL CLOSE CSR135 END-EXEC EXEC SQL DISCONNECT CURRENT END-EXEC EXIT PROGRAM. STOP RUN. * Default sql error routine - modify to stop program * if needed OpenESQL-Error Section. display "SQL Error = " sqlstate " " sqlcode display MFSQLMESSAGETEXT * stop run exit.
This is the same code that would retrieve the data in ANSI except for the definitions in the INCLUDE copybook Employees which now looks like:
* ----------------------------------------------------------- * COBOL DECLARATION FOR TABLE Employees * ----------------------------------------------------------- 01 DCLEmployees. 03 Employees-EmployeeID PIC S9(09) COMP-5. 03 Employees-LastName PIC N(20) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-FirstName PIC N(10) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-Title PIC N(30) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-TitleOfCourtesy PIC N(25) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-BirthDate PIC X(23). 03 Employees-HireDate PIC X(23). 03 Employees-Address PIC N(60) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-City PIC N(15) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-Region PIC N(15) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-PostalCode PIC N(10) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-Country PIC N(15) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-HomePhone PIC N(24) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-Extension PIC N(4) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-Photo PIC X(64000). 03 Employees-Notes PIC N(32000) USAGE NATIONAL. 03 Employees-ReportsTo PIC S9(09) COMP-5. 03 Employees-PhotoPath PIC N(255) USAGE NATIONAL.