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Specifies whether an event is written to the Windows Application Event log whenever run-time system error COBRT199 occurs.
Restriction: These tunables are supported for native COBOL only.


>>-----set os_error_log=---.-TRUE-.-------------><


TRUE An event is written to the Windows Application Event log whenever run-time system error COBRT199 occurs. This was the behavior in previous versions of this COBOL system.
FALSE An event is not written to the Windows Application Event log whenever run-time system error COBRT199 occurs.


Default: FALSE
IDE equivalent: NoneUse the Application.config file of the project - right-click the file in Solution Explorer and click Open, then select the Run-time Configuration tab.


Regardless of the setting of os_error_log, a Consolidated Tracing Facility warning event can be generated whenever run-time system error COBRT199 occurs. See the help for the COBRT199 message for information on configuring Consolidated Tracing Facility to enable this.

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