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To Enable CTF Tracing

  1. Set the MFTRACE_CONFIG environment variable to point to the ctf.cfg configuration file, before you invoke the application. For example:
    set MFTRACE_CONFIG=c:\ctf\ctf.cfg
  2. Set the MFTRACE_LOGS environment variable to specify the location in which to create the CTF trace files. If MFTRACE_LOGS is not set, the current folder is used.
    Note: Both the 32- and 64-bit Visual COBOL command prompts set MFTRACE_LOGS to %ProgramData%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\2.x\mftrace\logs.
  3. Edit the configuration file to specify the information to trace, for example:
    mftrace.dest = binfile
    mftrace.emitter.binfile#location  = c:\logs              = info           = true       = true        = true
    Note: If the location of the trace file is specified in the configuration file, as shown above, it overrides the MFTRACE_LOGS setting.
  4. Run the application from the environment you set up.

If you are using the .NET environment, instead of setting the MFTRACE_CONFIG variable you can configure CTF tracing in an app.config file in the same folder as its associated app.exe file. The configuration statements must be inserted in an <mftrace_config> section in the <configSections> as CDATA. For example:

<?xml version ="1.0"?>
      <sectionGroup name="MicroFocus.COBOL.Tracing">
        <section name="mftrace_config"
         PublicKeyToken=0412c5e0b2aaa8f0" />
mftrace.dest                           = binfile
mftrace.emitter.binfile#location       = c:\logs                   = info                = true            = true             = true
Note: If the MFTRACE_CONFIG variable is set, CTF uses it in preference to an app.config file.
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