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TEXTSTORAGE Emitter Properties

Writes to Microsoft Azure table storage in text format.

Before you can view the trace files output by the TEXTSTORAGE emitter you download them from Microsoft Azure table storage to a local file using the ctfazure utility. Once you have done this you can view the local file using any text editor.

To enable the TEXTSTORAGE emitter, specify the following statement in the Consolidated Tracing Facility configuration file:

mftrace.dest = textstorage

The following list shows the properties you can set to control the behavior of the TEXTSTORAGE emitter:

The character used in the output file to delimit trace data parts for a trace event.

Default: space

The format to be used for each trace data record written to the file. The following pseudo-variables may be used in the format specification:
$(COMPONENT) the name of the component outputting the trace event.
$(DATA) the trace data specified by the component to be output for the trace event. Each trace part will be delimited by the character specified by the DelimChar property.
$(DATE) the current date output as yyyy/mm/dd.
$(EVENT) the event identifier as specified by the component outputting the trace event.
$(LEVEL) the tracing level.
$(MACHINE) the name of the machine running the process .
$(PID) / $(PROCESS) the current process identifier.
$(TIME) the current time output as hh:mm:ss.nnn.
$(THREAD) the current thread identifier. Note that this is the operating system's thread id, not the COBOL run-time system thread id.


The number of hexadecimal bytes to be output in each block. Each block of hexadecimal characters is separated by a hyphen (-) character.

For example, if HexBlockSize is set to 4, and some binary trace data with the value 3132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F is specified for output, it is formatted as follows:


Default: 8

Indicates whether string trace data is to be output enclosed in double-quote characters (").

Default: TRUE

The name of the Microsoft Azure storage account to be used. The names of the storage accounts you have created can be found in the "Storage Accounts" section of the Microsoft Azure management portal.

Default: None

The Microsoft Azure storage access key. When a storage account is selected in the "Storage Accounts" section of the Microsoft Azure management portal, its associated primary and secondary access keys are displayed in the Properties window.

Default: None

The name of the table where trace events are to be written.

Default: MicroFocus0CTF0Text0Storage

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