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Data Types - in COBOL and C#

Data Types in Managed COBOL

*> Value types
binary-char (unsigned)
binary-short (unsigned)
binary-long (unsigned)
binary-double (unsigned)
DateTime (not a built-in COBOL type)
*> Reference types
*> Initializing. Two methods shown.
*> Method 1, in working storage
01 isTrue  condition-value       value true.
01 hex     binary-char unsigned  value h"2a".  *> Hex
01 octal   binary-char unsigned  value o"52".  *> Octal
01 person  object                value null.
01 aName   string                value "Dwight".
01 grade   character             value "B".
01 today   type DateTime         value 
               type DateTime::Parse("12/3/2007 12:15:00")
01 amount  decimal               value 35.99.
01 gpa     float-short           value 2.9.
01 pi      float-long            value 3.14159265.
01 lTotal  binary-double         value 123456.
01 sTotal  binary-short          value 123.
01 usTotal binary-short unsigned value 123.
01 uiTotal binary-long           value 123.
01 ulTotal binary-long unsigned  value 123.
*> Method 2, local declaration 
declare isTrue  as condition-value       = true.
declare hex     as binary-char unsigned  = h"2a".  *> Hex
declare octal   as binary-char unsigned  = o"52".  *> Octal
declare person  as object                = null.
declare aName   as string                = "Dwight".
declare grade   as character             = "B".
declare today   as type DateTime         = 
                    type DateTime::Parse("12/3/2007 12:15:00")
declare amount  as decimal               = 35.99.
declare gpa     as float-short           = 2.9.
declare pi      as float-long            = 3.14159265.
declare lTotal  as binary-double         = 123456.
declare sTotal  as binary-short          = 123.
declare usTotal as binary-short unsigned = 123.
declare uiTotal as binary-long           = 123.
declare ulTotal as binary-long unsigned  = 123.
*> Type information
01 x string value "Hello".
display x::GetType           *> Prints System.String
display type of string       *> Prints System.String
display type of list[ANY]    *> Prints System.Collections.Generic.IList'1[T]
display type of list[string] *> Prints System.Collections.Generic.IList'1[System.String]
display x::GetType::Name     *> Prints String
*> Type conversion
01 d float-short value 3.5.   *> automatic conversion
set i to d as binary-long     *> set to 3 (truncates decimal)
*> COBOL types not supported in C# or Java
*> Only a few examples here
01 displayNumber pic 9(9).99.
01 computeNumber pic 9(9)V99.
01 alphaNumberic pic a(23).
01 binaryStorage pic x(12).
*> Also groups and redefines - a few examples
01 arecord.
   03 aSubRecord pic x(10).
   03 aUnion     pic 9(10) redefines aSubrecord.

Data Types in C#

// Value Types
byte, sbyte
short, ushort
int, uint
long, ulong
float, double
DateTime   // (not a built-in C# type)
// Reference Types
// Initializing
bool     isTrue  = true;
byte     hex     = 0x2A;   // hex

object   person  = null;
string   aName   = "Dwight";
char     grade   = 'B';
DateTime today   = DateTime.Parse("12/31/2007 12:15:00");

decimal  amount  = 35.99m;
float    gpa     = 2.9f;
double   pi      = 3.14159265;
long     lTotal  = 123456L;
short    sTotal  = 123;
ushort   usTotal = 123;
uint     uiTotal = 123;
ulong    ulTotal = 123;
// Type Information
int x;
Console.WriteLine(x.GetType());        // Prints System.Int32
Console.WriteLine(typeof(int));        // Prints System.Int32
Console.WriteLine(x.GetType().Name);   // prints Int32
// Type Conversion
float d = 3.5f;
int i = (int)d;   // set to 3  (truncates decimal)
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