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To check the database table

Restriction: This topic applies only when a Database Connectors license has been installed via the Micro Focus License Management System.
Once the COBOL application has finished, you should review the resulting database table to ensure that it has the desired format and column names. For this exercise, we are using Microsoft SQL Server.
  1. To review the structure of the table, bring up Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Connect to the data source you used in your configuration file. The entries map as follows:
    Server Management Studio Database Connectors
    Password A-MSSQL-PASSWD
  3. Once you are connected, perform the following steps:
    1. Expand the Databases folder.
    2. Expand the folder referred to in the A-MSSQL-DATABASE setting from your configuration file.
    3. Expand the Tables folder.
    4. Locate and expand the folder containing the name purch1.

      This folder contains a list of subfolders that describe the table columns and indexes. Note that the folder titled Keys, which should not be confused with the Indexes folder, which is where the equivalent of the COBOL keys are created.

      Index names take the form I<tablename><key>.

    Review the objects in the “Columns” folder for readability and to ensure that the COBOL fields you wanted to be included were indeed created. You can affect field names by placing the NAME directive in your COBOL FD. You can modify the table structure with the USE GROUP, WHEN, and other directives placed within your COBOL FD.

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