301W Unable to open log file "name": ("value") description
ESF was unable to open the log file "name". The value is the error code and description is a short description. (The file is specified by the MF_SAFLOG environment variable. This function only applies to standalone utilities that use ESF, and not to main Enterprise Server components.)
320C CAS support function "name" is not available
The required CAS support function name is not available to ESF Manager, possibly due to a version mismatch between modules or a resource constraint. This is a fatal error.
321E Unable to allocate ACEE (error code)
ESF Manager was unable to allocate an ACEE structure, which is required for user verification. code is the error returned by the environment's ACEE allocation function.
322E Unable to allocate named shared memory (error code)
ESF Manager was unable to allocate a named shared memory area, either for its own use or to satisfy a request from an ESM Module. code is the error returned by the environment's shared-memory allocation function.