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Upgrading from ACUCOBOL-GT

There are conceptual and behavioral differences between Visual COBOL and ACUCOBOL-GT, part of the Micro Focus extend® product family, and these differences can affect the way you upgrade existing applications to Visual COBOL.
Refer to the Compatibility with ACUCOBOL-GT section for guidance and best practice on moving your applications to Visual COBOL. It covers:
  • Supported ACUCOBOL-GT features, including detailed information on support for compiler options and standard library routines.
  • Syntactical differences between the two COBOL dialects, including workarounds or equivalent syntax where applicable.
  • Detailed support of compatible ACUCOBOL Windowing syntax.
  • Details on how to configure your applications to continue using your Vision data files.
  • Details on converting your GUI projects using an import wizard (AddPack required).
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