You can pass Java instances to native procedural COBOL application using the com.microfocus.cobol.lang.JObject interface. The interface retrieves the object as a pointer, which requires that you use a Java JNI method.
In the following example, the myclass instance is passed to native COBOL:
class-id. myclass implements type com.microfocus.cobol.lang.JObject. method-id. invokeMe. display "Hello from invokeMe method". goback. end method. method-id. main static public. local-storage section. 01 myclass-instance type myclass. procedure division. set myclass-instance to type myclass::new() call "natsub" using by value myclass-instance stop run end method.
Then, native COBOL invokes the invokeMe method.
$set ooctrl(+p) ooctrl(-f) dialect(iso2002) mf warning(1) identification division. program-id. natsub as "natsub". repository. class javasup as "javasup" class cls-myclass as "$java$myclass". working-storage section. 01 myclass object reference cls-myclass. linkage section. 01 myclass-jptr pointer. procedure division using by value myclass-jptr. invoke javasup "getCOBOLObject" using myclass-jptr returning myclass invoke myclass "invokeMe" invoke myclass "finalize" returning myclass goback.