Boolean Data Items
- Argument-2 of the BOOLEAN-OF-INTEGER statement must be a numeric constant when the function is used in an expression with B-NOT, or as part of a boolean expression which is used as an argument in INTEGER-OF-BOOLEAN.
- You can only query PIC 1(n) USAGE BIT items which are at the 01 level.
- You cannot query boolean data items defined as PIC1(n) USAGE BIT that are subscripted. If you need to query them, move the value to a PIC 1 (n) USAGE DISPLAY data item.
- The JUSTIFIED clause cannot be specified for boolean data items.
- You cannot use reference modification on boolean data items.
- If you use the ODOSLIDE directive, you cannot have boolean data items following a variable-length table in the same record; neither can you have data items following a variable-length table containing boolean data items.
- You cannot use the BX literal format.
- You cannot have boolean data items in text-data used in EXEC(UTE) CICS or EXEC(UTE) SQL statements.
- You cannot use include boolean data items in conditional compilation statements.
- You cannot use boolean data items in the Screen Section.
- The Report Writer feature does not support boolean data items.
- You cannot use variable length items with GROUP-USAGE BIT specified in boolean expressions.
- You cannot set CHARSET"EBCDIC" for programs using boolean data items.
- You cannot move data between national items and boolean items.
- Boolean data items can contain up to 64 digit positions; groups of GROUP-USAGE BIT are also limited to 64 digit positions.
- If you use the syntax VALUE IS {{literal}... FROM ({subscript-1}...) [TO ({subscript-2}...)]}, subscript-1 and subscript-2 cannot be boolean data items.
- Using the SYNCHRONIZED clause has no effect on the alignment of any type of bit data item.