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Shortcuts for the COBOL Snippets

Use the following shortcuts to insert the code snippets. Type the shortcut in the editor and then press the tab key to insert the snippet.

Shortcut Snippet Description
accept Accept From Date or Accept From Time Enables you to set a variable to the current date or time.
attribute Attribute Inserts a class that implements a custom attribute.
class Class-Id Inserts a class declaration.
const Constant Inserts the declaration of a Data Division level 78 constant
create Create Creates or constructs an instance of a list or a dictionary.
DateString .NET Date Format Enables you to set a localized date format by specifying the desired locale.
declare Declare as Type Declares a local variable.
delegate Delegate-Id Inserts a delegate declaration.
delete Delete Key Deletes an element from a list or a dictionary.
entry Entry Declares an entry
enum-id Enum-Id Inserts an enumeration declaration.
evaluate Evaluate Variable Inserts an EVALUATE statement declaration for the possible values of a variable.
if If Then Else Inserts an IF statement declaration.
implements Implement Class/interface Implements Class/Interface method stubs.
inspect Inspect Replacing simple characters or Inspect Tallying before terminator Inserts an INSPECT statement declaration for either replace or tally.
interface Interface-Id Inserts an interface-id declaration.
iterator Iterator-Id Inserts a declaration for an iterator.
method Method-Id(instance) Inserts an instance method declaration.
methodstatic Method-Id(static) Inserts a static method declaration.
paragraph Paragraph Inserts a paragraph declaration.
perform Perform Varying, Perform Varying Thru or Perform Varying Dictionary Inserts a PERFORM statement declaration.
pic Literal or Pic Inserts the declaration of a string literal or a PIC item in Data Division.
program-id Program-Id Inserts a COBOL program declaration.
property Get/Set Property Inserts a getter and a setter properties.
read Read Into Key Reads an element in a list or reads an element in the dictionary at a given key.
reset Reset Delete all the elements from a list or a dictionary.
rewrite Rewrite From Key Overwrite an element in a list or a dictionary.
section Section Declares a section.
setnew Set New Inserts the code to set an instance object to a new class object.
try Try Catch Finally Inserts a TRY-CATCH-FINALLY statement declaration.
valuetype ValueType-Id Inserts a valuetype-id declaration.
write Write From Writes an element to a list or a dictionary.
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