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Tutorial: Publish, Debug, and Execute a Stored Procedure

Takes you through the process of publishing, debugging, and executing the stored procedure you created in the previous tutorials, using the SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio.

Before attempting to debug by stepping into the stored procedure code using the steps below, if you are using a UAC-enabled operating system, you must be running Visual COBOL as an administrator.

Note: When connecting to your SQL Server, if Microsoft SQL Server 2012 prompts you with an Attach Security Warning, please click Attach to clear the prompt.
Before attempting this tutorial, you must complete the following tutorials in the order listed:
  • Tutorial: Enable SQL CLR Integration
  • Tutorial: Create a Sample Database
  • Tutorial: Create and Configure a Database Project
  • Tutorial: Create an ADO.NET Connection
  • Tutorial: Code a SQL CLR Stored Procedure using OpenESQL Assistant
Phase 1: Publish Your Stored Procedure to SQL Server
  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the SQLCLRTutorial.Publish project; then select Publish.
  2. On the Publish Database dialog box, click Edit.
  3. In the Server Name field, type . (dot) to represent your local SQL Server instance.
  4. In the Select or enter database name field, select SQLCLR_Test from the drop-down list; then click OK.
  5. On the Publish Database dialog box, click Publish. When the publishing process is complete, the Data Tools Operations window shows a status of Publish Completed Successfully.
Phase 2: Debug Your Stored Procedure
Now that your stored procedure is available for use, you can debug it from Visual Studio.
  1. From the SQL Server Object Explorer, click Add SQL Server Add SQL Server.
  2. In the Server Name field, type . (dot) to represent your local SQL Server instance; then click Connect.
  3. On the SQL Server Object Explorer, right-click your SQL Server instance, represented by a dot followed by your local server information in parentheses, and check Application Debugging and Allow SQL/CLR Debugging. If a prompt appears, click Yes to clear it.
  4. On the SQL Server Object Explorer, expand the database SQLCLR_Test > Programmability > Stored Procedures; then right-click the dbo.SQLCLRTutorial stored procedure and select Debug Procedure.
  5. In the Value field for the @lkEMPNO name, type 000020.
  6. Check Null for the @lkFIRSTNME and @lkLASTNAME names, and then click OK.

    Visual Studio connects to your SQL Server instance, creates a test SQL script, calls your stored procedure, and runs the debugger with your cursor on the USE [SQLCLR_Test] statement of the test SQL script.

  7. Use the Visual Studio debugger to step through the lines of code in your stored procedure, examining variables and values, etc.

    The Data Tools window on the Results tab displays information returned from the debugger.

  8. To exit the debugger, click Debug > Stop Debugging.
Phase 3: Execute Your Stored Procedure
You can execute the stored procedure providing by providing the required input values, and see the output that results from the stored procedure call.
  1. From the SQL Server Object Explorer, right-click the dbo.SQLCLRTutorial stored procedure, and select Execute Procedure.
  2. If not already set, type 000020 into the Value field for the @lkEMPNO name, and check Null for the other two names.
  3. Click OK to execute the stored procedure.
  4. View the results on the Results tab:
    Execute Stored Procedure Results

This concludes this tutorial. Please continue with Tutorial: Call a Published Stored Procedure.

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