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Deployment Characteristics Settings in the IDE

Restriction: The following settings are only available for Services Interfaces in the Enterprise Server Application project type.

To set deployment configuration settings for a service interface, right-click a service interface file in Solution Explorer, and click Configure Runtime Environment.

Application uses RETURN-CODE to indicate success/failure
Check this if your application is container-managed and it uses the value of RETURN-CODE to indicate success or failure. If your application is container-managed and you don't check this, the application container will consider all invocations of the application to be successful.
Maximum success RETURN-CODE
Specify the maximum value of RETURN-CODE that indicates success.
Reuse container after application termination
Check this if your application leaves the application container in a tidy state, such that it can be reused for another service invocation.
Reuse container after non-fatal run-time system error
Check this if your application leaves the application container in a tidy state after a non-fatal run-time error, such that it can be reused for another service invocation.
Application always exits
Check this if you want the EXIT PROGRAM statement in the main program in your application to return control to the application container. If you uncheck this, the EXIT PROGRAM statement causes execution of the program to continue with the next executable statement.
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