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Navigating Data Files

For all types of data files, you can jump directly to a particular position in a file by clicking on the position. The position is defined by a line number and a column number, both of which start at zero, and are displayed in the Data File status bar at the bottom of the Classic Data File Tools IDE. If the current record has a record layout, you can also jump directly to a field.

Sequential Files

You can move through the file sequentially, as you would if you read the file sequentially using a COBOL program.

Relative Files

You can alter your position in a file by inserting, repeating, or deleting a record. Before inserting or repeating a record, you must specify an unused relative record number.

Indexed Files

You can alter your position in a file by:

  • Adding a record
  • Altering a key
  • Finding on key
  • Changing the current key of reference

When you alter your position in a relative or indexed file in one of these ways, the line number in the Data File status bar is reset to zero. This is because line numbers in these types of files can only be determined with respect to some given position.

The line number then changes as you move through the file:

  • If you then move backward in the file, the line number decreases by one for each record moved and appears as a negative number.
  • If you move forward in the file, the line number increases by one for each record moved.

To maintain consistency with the line number, the column number also starts from zero.

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