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As shown in the section IDENTIFIED BY and IS ATTRIBUTE Clauses, it is possible to deal with unlimited multiple occurrences of known or unknown tag names through the use of various XML-extended verbs. In less complicated cases where the number of occurrences is known in advance, there are very simple syntax extensions that allow direct addressing.

You can deal with a known number of tag or attribute occurrences using the OCCURS and COUNT IN clauses. The number of acceptable occurrences of a tag or attribute is limited by the OCCURS clause. The COUNT IN clause enables you to determine the number of occurrences received or to specify the number to be sent.

The following example shows how to use the COUNT IN clause:

Using OCCURS and COUNT IN clauses

0010  $set preprocess(prexml) warn endp
0020  $set sourceformat(free) case  
0040  select library-file
0050        assign address of mybuf
0060        organization  is xml
0070        document-type is "library.xsd" 
0080        file status is library-status.
0100  data division. 
0120  xd library-file.
0130  01  library            identified by "library".
0140    05  book             identified by "book" 
0150                           occurs 10 times 
0160                           count in library-book-count.
0170        10  book-title  pic x(80) identified by "title".
0180        10  book-author pic x(80) identified by "author".
0190        10  book-toc              identified by "toc".
0200            15  book-toc-section  occurs 20 times
0210                              count in book-section-count
0220                              identified by "section"
0230                              pic x(20).
0250  working-storage section.
0260  01  library-status  pic s999.
0270  01  mybuf.
0280      10  pic x(150) value
0290     '<library>'
0300     & '<book><title>book1</title>'
0310     &'       <toc><section>b1section1</section>'
0320     & '           <section>b1section2</section>'
0330     & '</toc></book>'.
0340      10 pic x(150) value
0350       '<book><title>book2</title>'
0360     & '      <toc><section>b2section1</section>'
0370     & '           <section>b2section2</section>'
0380     & '</toc></book>'
0390     & '</library>'. 
0410  open input library-file
0420  read library-file
0430  perform until library-book-count = 0
0440    display 
0450     "Book title = '" book-title(library-book-count) "'"
0460    display "Number of Sects = " 
0470     book-section-count(library-book-count)
0480     subtract 1 from library-book-count
0490  end-perform
0500  close library-file
0510  stop run.

Lines 0040 - 0080:

0040  select library-file
0050        assign address of mybuf
0060        organization  is xml
0070        document-type is "library.xsd" 
0080        file status is library-status.

Assigns a filename and the buffer mybuf as the source of the XML input, specifies the organization of the file (XML) and provides a filename for the XML schema (library.xsd) and a data-name for the file status.

Lines 0120 - 0230:

0120  xd library-file.
0130  01  library            identified by "library".
0140    05  book             identified by "book" 
0150                           occurs 10 times 
0160                           count in library-book-count.
0170        10  book-title  pic x(80) identified by "title".
0180        10  book-author pic x(80) identified by "author".
0190        10  book-toc              identified by "toc".
0200            15  book-toc-section  occurs 20 times
0210                              count in book-section-count
0220                              identified by "section"
0230                              pic x(20).

Sets up the record structure of the buffer area. Notice the use of OCCURS and COUNT-IN. In this example, the book data-name is identified by the XML tag <book>, it occurs 10 times, and the occurrences are counted in the library-book-count field, which is defined implicitly. The book-toc-section data item is defined similarly, with book-section-count defined implicitly.

Lines 0270 - 0390:

0270  01  mybuf.
0280      10  pic x(150) value
0290     '<library>'
0300     & '<book><title>book1</title>'
0310     &'       <toc><section>b1section1</section>'
0320     & '           <section>b1section2</section>'
0330     & '</toc></book>'.
0340      10 pic x(150) value
0350       '<book><title>book2</title>'
0360     & '      <toc><section>b2section1</section>'
0370     & '           <section>b2section2</section>'
0380     & '</toc></book>'
0390     & '</library>'. 

Codes the XML stream to be read in a static buffer. While this example has the XML stream coded directly into the program, you could also place the XML into the buffer (mybuf) using any standard input.

Lines 0430 - 0490:

0430  perform until library-book-count = 0
0440    display 
0450     "Book title = '" book-title(library-book-count) "'"
0460    display "Number of Sects = " 
0470     book-section-count(library-book-count)
0480     subtract 1 from library-book-count
0490  end-perform

Loops through all records, displaying all book titles and the number of sections contained in each. Notice that book-section-count uses library-book-count as an index.

The COUNT IN clause is also very useful to determine if the tag associated with an element definition was present in the XML stream. A very common use of this is determining which of a set of XD records is read during the execution of a READ statement. For example:

Using COUNT IN to determine which record has been read

0010  select book-or-author-file
0020        assign address of mybuf
0030        organization  is xml
0040        document-type is "bookdb.xsd" 
0050        file status is xml-bookdb-status. 
0070  data division.
0080  xd book-or-author-file.
0090  01  book-rec        identified by "book"
0100                      count in book-count.
0110      05  price-val   pic 999.99 identified by "price" 
0120                       is attribute
0130                       count in price-count.
0140      05  title-val   pic x(80) identified by "title".
0160  01  author-rec      identified by "author" 
0170                       count in author-count.
0180      05  author-val  pic x(80).
0200  working-storage section.
0210  01  xml-bookdb-status  pic s999.
0220  01  mybuf  pic x(256) value
0230     '<book price="123.00"><title>A title</title></book>'.
0250  procedure division.
0260     open input book-or-author-file
0270     read book-or-author-file
0280     evaluate true
0290     when book-count = 1
0300         if  price-count not = 0
0310             display "got <book price=" price-val ">
0320               <title>" title-val "</title></book>"
0330         else 
0340             display "got <book><title>" title-val 
0350               "</title></book>"
0360         end-if
0370     when author-count = 1
0380         display "got <author>" author-val "</author>"
0390     end-evaluate
0400     close book-or-author-file
0410     stop run.

Lines 0010 - 0050:

0010  select book-or-author-file
0020        assign address of mybuf
0030        organization  is xml
0040        document-type is "bookdb.xsd" 
0050        file status is xml-bookdb-status. 

Assigns a filename and the buffer mybuf as the source of the XML input, specifies the organization of the file (XML) and provides a filename for the XML schema (bookdb.xsd) and a data-name for the file status.

Lines 0080 - 0180:

0080  xd book-or-author-file.
0090  01  book-rec        identified by "book"
0100                      count in book-count.
0110      05  price-val   pic 999.99 identified by "price" 
0120                       is attribute
0130                       count in price-count.
0140      05  title-val   pic x(80) identified by "title".
0160  01  author-rec      identified by "author" 
0170                       count in author-count.
0180      05  author-val  pic x(80).

Defines two 01 level items, one for a book record, and one for an author record. Later, the program uses the information defined by COUNT IN to determine which record is being read.

Lines 0220 - 0230:

0220  01  mybuf  pic x(256) value
0230     '<book price="123.00"><title>A title</title></book>'.

Codes the XML stream to be read in a static buffer. While this example has the XML stream coded directly into the program, you could also place the XML into the buffer (mybuf) using any standard input.

Lines 0260 - 0390:

0260     open input book-or-author-file
0270     read book-or-author-file
0280     evaluate true
0290     when book-count = 1
0300         if  price-count not = 0
0310             display "got <book price=" price-val ">
0320               <title>" title-val "</title></book>"
0330         else 
0340             display "got <book><title>" title-val 
0350               "</title></book>"
0360         end-if
0370     when author-count = 1
0380         display "got <author>" author-val "</author>"
0390     end-evaluate

The EVALUATE clause determines which record is being read based on the value of book-count or author-count.

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