Micro Focus Visual COBOL 2.3 for Eclipse (Windows)
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH1301 - COBCH1400
COBCH1301 - COBCH1320
COBCH1301 - COBCH1320
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1301 through COBCH1320.
COBCH1301 Expected Class name.
COBCH1302 Expected Class or Interface name.
COBCH1303 PROPERTY clause only allowed in Object or Factory.
COBCH1304 Method not found in the repository.
COBCH1305 Universal Object Reference is not allowed.
COBCH1306 Redefintion of an Object Reference is illegal.
COBCH1307 Object Reference with REDEFINES clause is illegal.
COBCH1308 VALUE clause is illegal with Object Reference or Pointer.
COBCH1309 INPUT-OUTPUT section not allowed.
COBCH1310 Not allowed in a FACTORY or OBJECT definition.
COBCH1311 Not allowed in a METHOD definition.
COBCH1312 Not allowed in the outer level of a Class Definition.
COBCH1313 Not allowed in an INTERFACE definition.
COBCH1314 LOCK MODE clause must be specified in the File Control Entry.
COBCH1315 Illegal use of floating-point item %1_s
COBCH1316 Non-integer moved to alphanumeric item %1_s
COBCH1317 Method '%1_s' not found in this class_
COBCH1318 Cannot resolve forward reference of method in an inline invoke_
COBCH1319 Clause from the REPOSITORY paragraph expected_
COBCH1320 HOSTNUMCOMPARE(1)_HOSTNUMMOVE(1) may be removed in future releases
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1301 to COBCH1400