chmod +x setup_visualcobol_deveclipse_2.3_platform
If you don't run this as superuser, you are prompted to enter the superuser password during the install.
The COBOL environment is installed by default into /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL, (COBDIR). A full version of Eclipse, with the Micro Focus plugins already installed, is present in the $COBDIR/eclipse directory.
To install in a different location use the -installlocation="Location" parameter to specify an alternative directory location. For example:
./setup_visualcobol_deveclipse_2.3_platform -installlocation="full path of new location"
You can see details about which additional parameters can be passed to the install script if you enter the -help option.
. /setup_visualcobol_deveclipse_2.3_platform -skipsafenet
touch /var/microfocuslicensing/SKIP_SAFENET_INSTALL
While the file is present, the SafeNet installer does not make changes to the installation or shutdown the running license daemons. If licensing needs to be updated later, remove the file and install Sentinel RMS server manually.