Micro Focus Visual COBOL 2.3 for Eclipse (Windows)
General Reference
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
Messages COBCH1701 - COBCH1800
COBCH1781 - COBCH1800
COBCH1781 - COBCH1800
COBCH1781 '%1$s' has no visible constructor with specified parameter name(s)
COBCH1782 '%1$s' has no visible method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1783 '%1$s' has no visible instance method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1784 '%1$s' has no visible static method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1785 For inline signature, parameters must be followed immediately by optional RETURNING or YIELDING
COBCH1787 Data-name '%1$s' at line %2$s in the %3$s is not declared; implicit definition created
COBCH1788 Exception: %1$s
COBCH1789 Matching member in inherited '%1$s' is non-virtual
COBCH1790 Illegal use of 'void' type
COBCH1791 ILOUTPUT name '%1$s' does not exist or is not a valid directory
COBCH1792 '%1$s' has no visible method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1793 '%1$s' has no visible instance method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1794 '%1$s' has no visible static method '%2$s' for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1795 Found non-static 'main' method with string array parameter - cannot be a main program
COBCH1796 A get/set property cannot override a get property
COBCH1797 A get/set property cannot override a set property
COBCH1798 A get property in a non-abstract class cannot override an abstract get/set property
COBCH1799 A get property cannot override a set property
COBCH1800 A set property in a non-abstract class cannot override an abstract get/set property
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1701 - COBCH1800