enum-id Action public. working-storage section. 01 binary-long. *> Underlying type for the enum. *> binary-long is the default 78 Starter value 0. *> Declare enum values as level-78 items 78 Stop value 1. 78 Rewind value 2. 78 Forward value 3. end enum.
*> Short hand version of above. *> PUBLIC and BINARY-LONG are the defaults *> The default values are 0 1 2... enum-id Action. 78 Starter. 78 Stop. 78 Rewind. 78 Forward. end enum. enum-id Status. 78 Flunk value 50. 78 Pass value 70. 78 Excel value 90. end enum. program-id main. display type Status::Pass as binary-long *> prints 70 display type Status::Pass *> prints Pass end program.
enum Action {Start, Stop, Rewind, Forward}; public enum Status { Flunk (50), Pass (70), Excel (90); private final int val; Status(int valIn) { this.val = valIn; } } Action a = Action.Stop; if (a != Action.Start) System.out.println(a); // Prints "Stop" System.out.println(Status.Pass.val); // Prints 70 System.out.println(Status.Pass); // prints Pass
Portions of these examples were produced by Dr. Frank McCown, Harding University Computer Science Dept, and are licensed under a Creative Commons License.