VisiBroker for Java

Interface IORInterceptor_3_0Operations

All Superinterfaces:
InterceptorOperations, IORInterceptorOperations
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IORInterceptor_3_0Operations
extends IORInterceptorOperations

Supports methods defined by Object Reference Template sepcification. These methods were part of IORInterceptor interface previously but later factored into this interface to maintain backward compatibility (See OMG core RTF issue 5430

Method Summary
 void adapter_manager_state_changed(java.lang.String id, short state)
          Any time the state of an adapter manager changes, the adapter_manager_state_changed() method is invoked on all registered IOR interceptors.
 void adapter_state_changed(ObjectReferenceTemplate[] templates, short state)
          Object adapter state changes are reported to this method any time the state of one or more adapters changes for reasons unrelated to adapter manager state changes.
 void components_established(IORInfo info)
          After all of the establish_components() methods have been called, the components_established() methods are invoked on all registered IOR interceptors.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInterceptorOperations
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.InterceptorOperations
destroy, name

Method Detail


void adapter_state_changed(ObjectReferenceTemplate[] templates,
                           short state)
Object adapter state changes are reported to this method any time the state of one or more adapters changes for reasons unrelated to adapter manager state changes. The templates argument identifies the object adapters that have changed state by the template ID information. The sequence contains the adapter templates for all object adapters that have made the state transition being reported.

templates - This identifies the object adapters that have changed state by the template ID information.
state - The new state of the object adapter.


void adapter_manager_state_changed(java.lang.String id,
                                   short state)
Any time the state of an adapter manager changes, the adapter_manager_state_changed() method is invoked on all registered IOR interceptors. If a state change is reported through adapter_manager_state_changed(), it is not reported through adapter_state_changed().

id - The IORInfo instance used by the ORB service to access applicable policies.
state - The new state of the object adapter.


void components_established(IORInfo info)
After all of the establish_components() methods have been called, the components_established() methods are invoked on all registered IOR interceptors. The adapter template is available at this stage. The current_factory attribute may be get or set at this stage.

Any exception that occurs in components_established() is returned to the caller of components_established(). In the case of the POA, this causes the create_POA() call to fail, and an OBJ_ADAPTER exception with a standard minor code of 6 is returned to the invoker of create_POA().

info - The IORInfo instance used by the ORB service to access applicable policies.

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