VisiBroker for Java

Package org.omg.Firewall

This package contains the OMG specific interfaces and classes for the Borland Visibroker Firewall.


Interface Summary
EXPORT EXPORT is a constant value for FirewallPolicy.value.
FIREWALL_POLICY_TYPE FIREWALL_POLICY_TYPE is a constant denoting the type of the FirewallPolicy.
FirewallPolicy FirewallPolicy is a POA policy, which determines whether a target must or must not export its firewall paths, using which clients can reach it.
FirewallPolicyOperations FirewallPolicy is a POA policy, which determines whether a target must or must not export its firewall paths, using which clients can reach it.
FW_MECH_PROXY FW_MECH_PROXY is a constant for FirewallMechanism.tag.
FW_MECH_SOCKSV5 FW_MECH_SOCKSV5 is a constant for FirewallMechanism.tag.
FW_MECH_TCP FW_MECH_TCP is a constant for FirewallMechanism.tag.
GIOPProxy GIOPProxy is a programmatic representation of a firewall
GIOPProxyOperations GIOPProxy is a programmatic representation of a firewall
MechanismValue MechanismValue is programmatic representation of FirewallMechanism
NO_EXPORT NO_EXPORT is a constant value for FirewallPolicy.value.
TAG_FIREWALL_TRANS TAG_FIREWALL_TRANS is a constant value for IOP::TaggedComponent::tag.

Class Summary
ComponentValue Firewall.ComponentValue is programmatic representation of a sequence of FirewallMechanism.
FirewallMechanism FirewallMechanism is used to describe a firewall.
ProxyMechanismValue MechanismValue is programmatic representation of FirewallMechanism for the special case, when tag== FW_MECH_PROXY.
ProxyMode The mode indicates how a client is going to connect to the object.
SocksMechanismValue SocksMechanismValue is programmatic representation of SOCKSV5FirewallMechanism
TcpFirewallMechanism TcpFirewallMechanism contains information on how clients are supposed to connect to this TCP firewall.
TcpMechanismValue TcpMechanismValue is programmatic representation of TcpFirewallMechanism

Package org.omg.Firewall Description

This package contains the OMG specific interfaces and classes for the Borland Visibroker Firewall.

Related Documentation

For information about Visibroker Gatekeeper, refer to the Borland VisiBroker Gatekeeper Guide.

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Voice: (831) 431-1000

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