VisiBroker for Java

Interface PolicyManagerOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:
PolicyCurrent, PolicyCurrentOperations, PolicyManager

public interface PolicyManagerOperations

The PolicyManager interface is used to access policy overrides at the VisiBroker ORB level. Policies defined at the VisiBroker ORB level override any system defaults. The instance belonging to the manager thread is accessible by using resolve_initial_reference("PolicyManager") and narrowing down to PolicyManager.

Method Summary
 Policy[] get_policy_overrides(int[] ts)
          Returns a list of all the policies of the requested types.
 void set_policy_overrides(Policy[] policies, SetOverrideType set_add)
          Updates the current set of policy overrides with the requested list.

Method Detail


void set_policy_overrides(Policy[] policies,
                          SetOverrideType set_add)
                          throws InvalidPolicies
Updates the current set of policy overrides with the requested list. Invoking set_policy_overrides with an empty sequence of policies and a mode of SET_OVERRIDE removes all overrides from a PolicyManager. Only certain policies that pertain to the invocation of an operation at the client end can be overridden using this operation. Attempts to override any other policy will raise the CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception. If the request would put the set of overriding policies for the target PolicyManager in an inconsistent state, no policies are changed or added, and the exception InvalidPolicies is raised. There is no evaluation of compatibility with policies set within other PolicyManagers.

policies - A sequence of references to Policy objects.
set_add - A parameter of type org.omg.CORBA.SetOverrideType that indicates whether these policies should be added (ADD_OVERRIDE) to any other overrides that already exist in the PolicyManager, or added to a clean PolicyManager free of any other overrides (SET_OVERRIDE). If the request would cause the specified PolicyManager to be in an inconsistent state, no policies are changed or added, and an InvalidPolicies exception is raised.


Policy[] get_policy_overrides(int[] ts)
Returns a list of all the policies of the requested types.

ts - Array containing policy types. If the specified sequence is empty (that is, if the length of the list is zero), all Policies at this scope are returned. If none of the requested policy types is set at the target PolicyManager, an empty sequence is returned.
Array containing requested policy types.

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