VisiBroker for Java

Interface ObjectReferenceTemplate

All Superinterfaces:
IDLEntity, ObjectReferenceFactory,, ValueBase

public interface ObjectReferenceTemplate
extends ObjectReferenceFactory

An object reference template is associated with an object adapter. Typically the template is created when the object adapter is created, used within the adapter to create object references, and destroyed when the adapter is destroyed. Different adapters may support very different styles of object creation.

The ObjectReferenceTemplate extends the ObjectReferenceFactory with the identity of the object adapter. Note that the template, like the factory, is immutable: after it has been created, it cannot be modified.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] adapter_name()
          Returns the name for the object adapter that services requests for the invoked object.
 java.lang.String orb_id()
          The value of the orb_id attribute is the value that was passed into the ORB::init call.
 java.lang.String server_id()
          Returns the value of -ORBServerId argument passed to ORB::init
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceFactory
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.portable.ValueBase

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] adapter_name()
Returns the name for the object adapter that services requests for the invoked object.


java.lang.String orb_id()
The value of the orb_id attribute is the value that was passed into the ORB::init call. In Java, this is accomplished using the -ORBid argument in the ORB.init call that created the ORB containing the object adapter that created this template. What happens if the same ORBid is used on multiple ORB::init calls in the same server is currently undefined.


java.lang.String server_id()
Returns the value of -ORBServerId argument passed to ORB::init

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