VisiBroker for Java

Package org.omg.DsLogAdmin

This package contains the OMG defined interfaces for Iterator, Log, BasicLog, LogMgr and BasicLogFactory object.


Interface Summary
BasicLog The BasicLog interface allows "event unaware" clients to access a log directly without any knowledge of events or notifications.
BasicLogFactory BasicLogFactory provides the following additional functions:
BasicLogFactoryOperations BasicLogFactory provides the following additional functions:
BasicLogOperations The BasicLog interface allows "event unaware" clients to access a log directly without any knowledge of events or notifications.
Iterator The Iterator interface allows clients to a log to iterate over a list of LogRecords returned from a query() or retrieve() operation.
IteratorOperations The Iterator interface allows clients to a log to iterate over a list of LogRecords returned from a query() or retrieve() operation.
Log The Log interface allows log clients to manipulate log records in the following manner:
LogOperations The Log interface allows log clients to manipulate log records in the following manner:

Class Summary
AdministrativeState The administrative capability of the log to perform its function.
AvailabilityStatus This struct is to represent the availability status of the Log
ForwardingState Represents whether a log should forward records to any event consumers connected to the log.
LogRecord Log records are created as a result of the receipt of events or notifications, either via the event or notification channel, or by explicitly invoking one of the write operations.
NVPair This structure specifies a name value pair.
OperationalState The operational capability of a log to perform its function.
Time24 A representation of time using 24 hours format.
Time24Interval This structure specifies a time interval represented using 24 hours time format
TimeInterval This structure specifies a time interval
WeekMaskItem A fine grained time intervals during which an unlocked and enabled Log is functional.

Exception Summary
InvalidAttribute Raised by set_record_attribute() if one of the attributes is invalid.
InvalidConstraint The InvalidConstraint exception is raised if the constraint string is invalid.
InvalidGrammar The InvalidGrammar exception is raised if the implementation does not support the grammar specified.
InvalidLogFullAction Raised if the full_action specified is not valid.
InvalidMask The InvalidMask exception is thrown when the WeekMask parameter passed to set_week_mask is invalid.
InvalidParam The InvalidParam exception is thrown when the parameters passed to an operation contains an invalid value.
InvalidRecordId Raised by get_record_attribute() or set_record_attribute() operation.
InvalidThreshold The InvalidThreshold exception is thrown when a threshold list passed to an operation contains an invalid value.
InvalidTime The InvalidTime exception is thrown when a time related parameter passed to an operation is not a valid time.
InvalidTimeInterval The InvalidTimeInterval exception is thrown when a time interval related parameter passed to an operation is not a valid time.
LogDisabled Raised by write_records() or write_recordlist() operations.
LogFull Raised by write_records() or write_recordlist() operations.
LogIdAlreadyExists The InvalidMask exception is thrown when the client is trying to create a log with a log id exists within the scope of the log factory.
LogLocked Raised by write_records() or write_recordlist() operations.
LogOffDuty Raised by write_records() or write_recordlist() operations.
UnsupportedQoS Raised if an implementation does not support the specified quality of service property.

Package org.omg.DsLogAdmin Description

This package contains the OMG defined interfaces for Iterator, Log, BasicLog, LogMgr and BasicLogFactory object. For a complete description of these interfaces, refer to the OMG CORBA Telecom Log Service Specification.

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