VisiBroker for Java

Interface NotifySubscribeOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConsumerAdmin, ConsumerAdminOperations, NotifyLogFactory, NotifyLogFactoryOperations, NotifySubscribe, ProxyPullSupplier, ProxyPullSupplierOperations, ProxyPushSupplier, ProxyPushSupplierOperations, PullSupplier, PullSupplierOperations, PushSupplier, PushSupplierOperations, SequenceProxyPullSupplier, SequenceProxyPullSupplierOperations, SequenceProxyPushSupplier, SequenceProxyPushSupplierOperations, SequencePullSupplier, SequencePullSupplierOperations, SequencePushSupplier, SequencePushSupplierOperations, StructuredProxyPullSupplier, StructuredProxyPullSupplierOperations, StructuredProxyPushSupplier, StructuredProxyPushSupplierOperations, StructuredPullSupplier, StructuredPullSupplierOperations, StructuredPushSupplier, StructuredPushSupplierOperations, TypedConsumerAdmin, TypedConsumerAdminOperations, TypedNotifyLogFactory, TypedNotifyLogFactoryOperations, TypedProxyPullSupplier, TypedProxyPullSupplierOperations, TypedProxyPushSupplier, TypedProxyPushSupplierOperations, TypedPullSupplier, TypedPullSupplierOperations

public interface NotifySubscribeOperations

The NotifySubscribe interface supports an operation which allows a consumer of notifications to inform suppliers of notifications of the types of notifications it wishes to receive. It is intended to be an abstract interface which is inherited by all Notification Service supplier interfaces. In essence, its main purpose is to enable notification consumers to inform suppliers of the types of notifications that are of interest to them, ultimately enabling the suppliers to avoid supplying notifications that are not of interest to any consumer.

Method Summary
 void subscription_change(EventType[] added, EventType[] removed)

Method Detail


void subscription_change(EventType[] added,
                         EventType[] removed)
                         throws InvalidEventType
added - A sequence specifying those event types which the associated Consumer wants to add to its subscription list.
removed - A sequence specifying those event types which the associated consumer wants to remove from its subscription list.
InvalidEventType - If one of the event type names supplied in either input parameter is syntactically invalid, in which case, the invalid name is returned in the type field of the exception.

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