VisiBroker for Java

Class StructuredEvent

  extended by org.omg.CosNotification.StructuredEvent
All Implemented Interfaces:, IDLEntity

public final class StructuredEvent
extends java.lang.Object
implements IDLEntity

The StructuredEvent data structure defines the fields which comprise a Structured Event.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 Property[] filterable_data
          The filterable_data portion of the body of a Structured Event is a sequence of namevalue pairs, where name is of type string and the value is a CORBA::Any.
 EventHeader header
          The header of StructuredEvent
 Any remainder_of_body
          The remainder_of_body portion of the event body is intended to hold event data upon which filtering is not likely to be performed.
Constructor Summary
StructuredEvent(EventHeader header, Property[] filterable_data, Any remainder_of_body)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public EventHeader header
The header of StructuredEvent


public Property[] filterable_data
The filterable_data portion of the body of a Structured Event is a sequence of namevalue pairs, where name is of type string and the value is a CORBA::Any. The main purpose of this portion of the event body is to provide a convenient structure into which event body fields upon which filtering is likely to be performed can be placed. It is anticipated that mappings of standard event types to the Structured Event will be defined such that standard event body field names correspond to values of well-known data types. In addition, end users can define their own name-value pairs which comprise the filterable portion of any proprietary event types.


public Any remainder_of_body
The remainder_of_body portion of the event body is intended to hold event data upon which filtering is not likely to be performed. From a logical point of view, the interesting fields of the event data should be placed into the filterable_data portion, and the rest of the event placed here. Obviously it is not possible to predict what portion of the event will be interesting (or not) to all consumers. The division of the event body within the structured event in this fashion merely provides a hint to consumers. It is still possible to perform filtering on the contents of the remainder_of_body portion of the event body, however this will require decomposing the Any data structure which contains this portion into actual typed data elements, using the typecode contained within the Any. Thus filtering on this portion of the event body is likely to be less efficient than filtering on the filterable_data portion.

Constructor Detail


public StructuredEvent()


public StructuredEvent(EventHeader header,
                       Property[] filterable_data,
                       Any remainder_of_body)

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