VisiBroker for Java

Interface QoSAdminOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConsumerAdmin, ConsumerAdminOperations, EventChannel, EventChannelOperations, NotifyLog, NotifyLogFactory, NotifyLogFactoryOperations, NotifyLogOperations, ProxyConsumer, ProxyConsumerOperations, ProxyPullConsumer, ProxyPullConsumerOperations, ProxyPullSupplier, ProxyPullSupplierOperations, ProxyPushConsumer, ProxyPushConsumerOperations, ProxyPushSupplier, ProxyPushSupplierOperations, ProxySupplier, ProxySupplierOperations, QoSAdmin, SequenceProxyPullConsumer, SequenceProxyPullConsumerOperations, SequenceProxyPullSupplier, SequenceProxyPullSupplierOperations, SequenceProxyPushConsumer, SequenceProxyPushConsumerOperations, SequenceProxyPushSupplier, SequenceProxyPushSupplierOperations, StructuredProxyPullConsumer, StructuredProxyPullConsumerOperations, StructuredProxyPullSupplier, StructuredProxyPullSupplierOperations, StructuredProxyPushConsumer, StructuredProxyPushConsumerOperations, StructuredProxyPushSupplier, StructuredProxyPushSupplierOperations, SupplierAdmin, SupplierAdminOperations, TypedConsumerAdmin, TypedConsumerAdminOperations, TypedEventChannel, TypedEventChannelOperations, TypedNotifyLog, TypedNotifyLogFactory, TypedNotifyLogFactoryOperations, TypedNotifyLogOperations, TypedProxyPullConsumer, TypedProxyPullConsumerOperations, TypedProxyPullSupplier, TypedProxyPullSupplierOperations, TypedProxyPushConsumer, TypedProxyPushConsumerOperations, TypedProxyPushSupplier, TypedProxyPushSupplierOperations, TypedSupplierAdmin, TypedSupplierAdminOperations

public interface QoSAdminOperations

The QoSAdmin interface defines operations which enable clients to get and set the values of QoS properties. It also defines an operation that can verify whether or not a set of requested QoS property settings can be satisfied, along with returning information about the range of possible settings for additional QoS properties. QoSAdmin is intended to be an abstract interface which is inherited by the Proxy, Admin, and Event Channel interfaces defined in the CosNotifyChannelAdmin and CosTypedNotifyChannelAmin modules.

Method Summary
 Property[] get_qos()
 void set_qos(Property[] qos)
 void validate_qos(Property[] required_qos, org.omg.CosNotification.NamedPropertyRangeSeqHolder available_qos)

Method Detail


void validate_qos(Property[] required_qos,
                  org.omg.CosNotification.NamedPropertyRangeSeqHolder available_qos)
                  throws UnsupportedQoS
required_qos - A sequence of QoS property name-value pairs, which specify a set of QoS settings that a client would like to know if the target object is capable of supporting.
UnsupportedQoS - If the any of the requested settings could not be satisfied by the target object. This exception contains as data a sequence of data structures, each of which identifies the name of a QoS property in the input list whose requested setting could not be satisfied, along with an error code and a range of settings for the property, which could be satisfied.


void set_qos(Property[] qos)
             throws UnsupportedQoS
qos - A sequence of name-value pairs, which encapsulates quality of service property settings that a client is requesting that the target object (which could be an Event Channel, Admin, or Proxy object) support as its default quality of service.
UnsupportedQoS - If the implementation of the target object is not capable of supporting any of the requested quality of service settings, or if any of the requested settings would be in conflict with a QoS property defined at a higher level of the object hierarchy with respect to QoS. This exception contains as data a sequence of data structures, each of which identifies the name of a QoS property in the input list, whose requested setting could not be satisfied, along with an error code and a range of settings for the property, which could be satisfied.


Property[] get_qos()
A sequence of namevalue pairs, which encapsulates the current quality of service settings for the target object (which could be an Event Channel, Admin, or Proxy object).

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