VisiBroker for Java

Package org.omg.CosEventComm

This package conatins the OMG specific interfaces and classes for the Borland VisiBroker Event Service.


Interface Summary
PullConsumer This interface is used to derive consumer objects that use the pull model of communication.
PullConsumerOperations This interface is used to derive consumer objects that use the pull model of communication.
PullSupplier This interface is used to derive supplier objects that use the pull model of communication.
PullSupplierOperations This interface is used to derive supplier objects that use the pull model of communication.
PushConsumer This interface is used to derive consumer objects that use the push model of communication.
PushConsumerOperations This interface is used to derive consumer objects that use the push model of communication.
PushSupplier This interface is used to derive supplier objects that use the push model of communication.
PushSupplierOperations This interface is used to derive supplier objects that use the push model of communication.

Exception Summary
Disconnected This exception is raised if communication with the EventChannel is disconnected

Package org.omg.CosEventComm Description

This package conatins the OMG specific interfaces and classes for the Borland VisiBroker Event Service.

Related Documentation

For more information about the Event Service, refer to the event service section in the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide.

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Voice: (831) 431-1000

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