VisiBroker for Java

Interface RequestProxyOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface RequestProxyOperations

Defines operations on the NativeMessaging Request Proxy.


Method Summary
 void destroy_request(byte[] request_tag)
          Destroys the request identified by the request tag.
 void destroy(boolean destroy_requests)
          Destroys the requests delivered to a request proxy as well as the request proxy.
 byte[][] poll(int timeout, boolean unmask)
          Polls for replies on the proxy and returns the sequence of request tags whose replies are available.
 NameValuePair[] properties()
          Returns the sequence of properties that are set on Request Proxy by the RequestAgent::create_request_proxy method.
 Object the_receiver()
          Returns the request receiver (a typed request proxy), which is used by the client to deliver multiple asynchronous requests to the same target object.

Method Detail


void destroy(boolean destroy_requests)
Destroys the requests delivered to a request proxy as well as the request proxy.

destroy_requests - If the value is true, all the requests as well as the proxy are destroyed. If value is false, then the Request Agent will wait until all the requests are explicitly destroyed by the client (either by reading reply and destroying them automatically or by calling RequestAgent.destroy_request or RequestProxy.destroy_request methods). In this case the request proxy enters the 'to be destroyed' state. Calling the_receiver, properties, or destroy methods on the proxy will raise CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception. However, it will still allow the poll and destroy_request methods until all the request are trashed.


void destroy_request(byte[] request_tag)
                     throws RequestNotExist
Destroys the request identified by the request tag.

request_tag - sequence of bytes identifying the request to be destroyed.
See Also:


byte[][] poll(int timeout,
              boolean unmask)
              throws PollingGroupIsEmpty
Polls for replies on the proxy and returns the sequence of request tags whose replies are available.

timeout - Timeout interval in milliseconds to wait if the polling group has no readily available replies. The values have the following meaning:

  • timeout > 0: poll will block for that much time. If after the timeout, there are still no replies available, an empty sequence of request tags is returned.
  • timeout = 0: poll will not block. If there are any replies available, their tags will be returned to the called. If there are no replies available, an empty sequence is returned.
  • timeout < 0 (or timeout=2^(32-1))): poll will block until a reply is available.

unmask - If this flag is false, subsequent calls to poll on the same polling group will also return the request tags returned in the previous polls, until those requests get destroyed either as a result of manual or automatic trash. If this flag is true, once a request tag is returned in the poll, it will not appear in subsequent polls.
sequence of request tags.
See Also:
RequestAgentOperations.poll(java.lang.String, int, boolean)


Object the_receiver()
Returns the request receiver (a typed request proxy), which is used by the client to deliver multiple asynchronous requests to the same target object.

reference to the typed request proxy.


NameValuePair[] properties()
Returns the sequence of properties that are set on Request Proxy by the RequestAgent::create_request_proxy method.

Sequence of CORBA::NameValuePair

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