VisiBroker for Java

Interface InterceptorManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptorManager, BindInterceptorManager, ClientRequestInterceptorManager, EventQueueManager, EventQueueManagerOperations, IORCreationInterceptorManager, POALifeCycleInterceptorManager, ServerRequestInterceptorManager, ServiceResolverInterceptorManager
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InterceptorManager
extends IDLEntity

Base interface for all InterceptorManagers. InterceptorManagers are interfaces which are used to manage the installation and removal of interceptors from the system. Interceptors are installed and managed via interceptor managers. The interface InterceptorManager is the global interceptor manager used to manage all global interceptors. Global interceptors may be handed additional interceptor managers to install localized interceptors, for example, per-POA interceptors use the POAInterceptorManager. An instance of the global interceptor manager, InterceptorManager, may be obtained via ORB.resolve_initial_references when passing the String VisiBrokerInterceptorControl as an argument. It is highly recommended that global interceptors be registered through global interceptor manager during ORB initialization using the method described in the VisiBroker Developer's Guide. Using global interceptor manager to install interceptors after the ORB initialization may result in undefined behavior.

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