VisiBroker for Java

Interface BindInterceptor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface BindInterceptor
extends IDLEntity

A BindInterceptor is called by the ORB during each bind and rebind operation.

Method Summary
 IORValue bind_failed(IORValue ior, Object obj, Closure closure)
          Called if a bind operation failed.
 void bind_succeeded(IORValue ior, Object obj, int profileIndex, InterceptorManagerControl interceptorControl, Closure closure)
          Called if a bind operation succeeded.
 IORValue bind(IORValue ior, Object obj, boolean rebind, Closure closure)
          Called during all ORB bind operations.
 void exception_occurred(IORValue ior, Object obj, Environment env, Closure closure)
          This method is invoked by the ORB when an exception occurs.

Method Detail


void exception_occurred(IORValue ior,
                        Object obj,
                        Environment env,
                        Closure closure)
This method is invoked by the ORB when an exception occurs.

ior - The IOR of the server object on which the bind operation succeeded.
obj - The client object which is being bound to the server.
env - Contains information on the exception that was raised.
closure - May contain data saved by one interceptor method that can be retrieved later by another interceptor method.


void bind_succeeded(IORValue ior,
                    Object obj,
                    int profileIndex,
                    InterceptorManagerControl interceptorControl,
                    Closure closure)
Called if a bind operation succeeded.

ior - The IOR of the the server object on which the bind operation succeeded.
obj - The client object which is being bound to the server.
closure - The closure object previously given in the bind call.


IORValue bind_failed(IORValue ior,
                     Object obj,
                     Closure closure)
Called if a bind operation failed.

ior - The IOR of the server object on which the bind operation failed.
obj - The client object which is being bound to the server.
closure - The closure object previously given in the bind call.
Returns true if the ior argument was changed and the bind should be reattempted.


IORValue bind(IORValue ior,
              Object obj,
              boolean rebind,
              Closure closure)
Called during all ORB bind operations.

ior - The IOR of the server object to which the client is binding.
obj - The client object which is being bound to the server. The object will not be properly initialized at this time so no operation on the object should be attempted. It may however, be stored in a data structure and used after the bind has completed.
closure - A new closure object for the bind operation. The closure will be used in corresponding call to either bind_failed or bind_succeeded.
Returns true if the ior argument was changed and should be used instead of the IOR provided by the ORB.

Borland Software Corporation
100 Enterprise Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: (831) 431-1000

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