VisiBroker for Java

Package com.inprise.vbroker.PortableServerExt

This package contains VisiBroker's extension to Portable Object Adapter module.


Interface Summary
ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor The ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor interface is called when objects are added and removed from the active object map.
ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptorManager This is the interface used to add ActiveObjectLifeCycleInterceptor.
BIND_SUPPORT_POLICY_TYPE Defines PolicyType for BindSupportPolicy
BindSupportPolicy Defines POA policy for registration with osagent
BindSupportPolicyOperations Defines POA policy for registration with osagent
IORCreationInterceptor The IORCreationInterceptor is a per-POA interceptor which may be installed by a POALifeCycleInterceptor at POA creation time.
IORCreationInterceptorManager This interface is used to add IORInterceptors.
POALifeCycleInterceptor The POALifeCycleInterceptor is a global interceptor which is invoked every time a POA is created or destroyed.
POALifeCycleInterceptorManager This interface is used to register POALifeCycleInterceptor.
POAOperations Defines VisiBroker's extensions to the POA interface
PSA The Publisher/Subscriber Adapter interface.
PSAOperations The Publisher/Subscriber Adapter interface.
SERVANT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE Defines PolicyType for ServantTimeoutPolicy
ServantTimeoutPolicy Defines ServantTimeoutPolicy for the POA.
ServantTimeoutPolicyOperations Defines ServantTimeoutPolicy for the POA.
SERVER_ENGINE_POLICY_TYPE Defines PolicyType for ServerEnginePolicy
ServerEnginePolicy Defines the ServerEnginePolicy for the POA.
ServerEnginePolicyOperations Defines the ServerEnginePolicy for the POA.

Class Summary
BindSupportPolicyValue Defines BindSupportPolicy values.
SubjectAddressScheme Subject's address scheme.
SubjectDeliveryScheme Subject's delivery scheme.
SubjectInterfaceScheme Subject's Interface scheme.
SubjectScheme Specifies what is the subject reference's address scheme, interface scheme, interface repository id (for typed channel only), and delivery scheme.

Exception Summary
ChannelException Raised by most PSA operations, including the the_subject_addr() and the_proxy_addr() methods.
InvalidProperties Raised when invalid properties are passed to methods like subscribe/publish.
InvalidPublishDesc Raised when a invalid publish descriptor is passed to methods like unpublish.
InvalidSubjectScheme Raised when a invalid SubjectScheme is passed to the subscribe/publish methods.
InvalidSubscribeDesc Raised when a invalid Subscribe descriptor is passed to methods like unsubscribe.

Package com.inprise.vbroker.PortableServerExt Description

This package contains VisiBroker's extension to Portable Object Adapter module. Important extensions are Publish Subscribe Adapter that facilitates use of Notification Service.

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