VisiBroker for Java

Package com.inprise.vbroker.CosNamingExt

This package contains VisiBroker extensions to the CORBA Naming Service.


Interface Summary
Cluster Allows a number of object bindings to be associated with a single name.
ClusterManager Creates, finds and lists Clusters.
ClusterManagerOperations Creates, finds and lists Clusters.
ClusterOperations Allows a number of object bindings to be associated with a single name.
ExtendedNamingContextFactory Allows the retrieval of the default root context within a factory.
ExtendedNamingContextFactoryOperations Allows the retrieval of the default root context within a factory.
NamingContextExtExtended contains some cluster related utility methods.
NamingContextExtExtendedOperations contains some cluster related utility methods.
NamingContextFactory The NamingContextFactory provides useful functionality that concerns an instance of a Naming Service.
NamingContextFactoryOperations The NamingContextFactory provides useful functionality that concerns an instance of a Naming Service.

Class Summary
ClusterNotFoundReason See the ClusterNotFound exception.

Exception Summary
ClusterNotFound Raised when component of a name does not identify a binding.
Empty Raised by the select() and destroy() methods when the cluster is empty.

Package com.inprise.vbroker.CosNamingExt Description

This package contains VisiBroker extensions to the CORBA Naming Service. The extensions include features like support for object clustering, which allows a number of object bindings to be associated with a single name. Also included are utility classes that enable the control and querying of a particular instance of a Naming Service.

Related Documentation

Please see the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide for further details.

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